Study in France


What to expect when you plan to study in France

France, 5th largest economy of the world offers top notch facilities for education and research. You will learn the best of stuff in French universities apart from earning hands on experience through internship programs. As a postgraduate from France you will be allowed to work for at least 2 years post your education. You can easily choose France as your study abroad destination.

French Higher Education System

France has 85 public universities, 225 Engineering Grandes Écoles , 220 Business and Management Grandes Écoles , 120 Arts colleges, 20 Schools of Architecture and 3000 other Écoles and institutes.

Higher education of France is similar India; 3 years of bachelor’s degree, 1-2 years of Master’s degree and 3 years of Doctorate.

A student gets only 1 year visa and residency permit and this can be extended by the university for the full length of the course.

Popular courses offered in France universities are Medicine, Art History, Communication Technology, Information Technology, International Business Administration, Film Studies, Global Communications and International Finance.

Entry criterion

  • Application form, photo, CV and SOP
  • 2 Letter of Recommendations, High School Certificate or Diploma
  • Copy of passport
  • Application fees (paid online)
  • TOEFL - 550 ITP, 213 CBT, 80 IBT or IELTS 6.0

Admission Intakes

  • Feb / March (deadline for application: 30th November)
  • September & October (deadline for application: 30th June)

Education Cost

Tuition fee (approx.)

  • Undergraduate programs – €200 (public university) – €6000 (private university) per year
  • Postgraduate programs – €300 (public university) – €9000 (private university) per year
  • PHD programs – €400 (public university) – €12000 (private university) per year

Living Expenses (approx.)

  • Average monthly budget - €700-1100
  • First month budget - €800-1500

Application System

  • Application form received
  • Admissions' committee deliberation
  • Acceptance of order
  • Deposit payment & financial support
  • Enrolment confirmation certificate
  • Visa application

Adept is the best place to help you for your education in France. In its 14 long years of existence Adept has helped hundreds of students acquiring degrees from top notch universities from the world. We understand the requirements of French universities more than anybody in the industry. From Admission to Visa and post landing assistance, Adept provides all kind of assistance to you.

France, the heart of Europe, is known for it's natural beauty, human wonders, beautiful atmosphere and a society with highly cultured and compassionate people. As a student you get a safe environment to live in, meet people from every corner of the globe and learn life skills apart from your university studies that will shape you as a global citizen of tomorrow.

Let us explore why France should be your first choice for higher education.

Let us explore why France should be your first choice for higher education.

Best country for students

A survey says 94% of students get a job in less than 3 months of their education. No discrimination between French & students of foreign nationals, same subsidized fees in universities for both. Students get discounted price for cinema, theatre, public transport, university restaurants and tourist places entries.

France - traditionally famous for education & research

France is the 4th research active country in the world after USA, Japan and Germany. It has produced 58 Nobel laureates in different fields which is a fantastic record being a small country of 67 million people. France spends more on its education than defense.

France - the biggest attraction among all countries

151 tourists arrive in France every minute, making it world's most visited country. France is home to 38,879 historic monuments apart from natural wonders, long beaches and all. Paris, capital city of France is also known as capital of fashion world. France is known for dynamic culture, spectacular scenery and alluring luxury. 35 Fortune 500 companies are based in France.

France India Relationship

Thare are around around 12,50,000 people from India or Indian origin made France as their homess. Relations between India and France have traditionally been close and friendly and this has increased more significantly in recent years. Education France encourages Indian students to come and study in their universities.

Earn while you still learning in the University

Your student visa permits you to do 20 hours of part time works per week. You may work in your campus, in restaurant and café, supermarket and many such jobs. You can save a bit in your monthly budget from this part time income. You will also gain some working experience and learnings about French society. Minimum wage in France as a prt time job is about €9 per hour. Non-European students can't work more than 60% of the annual legal duration - about 964 hours per year.


As an international student having a long stay visa or a residence permit and staying for the shown academic year, you can do an internship in France as long as you get an internship contract. An internship is not considered as a job by French law. Minimum wages during internship in France is 11 Euros per hour. Maximum duration or internship is 6 months.

Better job opportunities

France is home to 35 of 500 Fortune companies. It is one of the highly industrially countries among the world and world's 5th biggest economy. This way France offers better job opportunities and that too in multiple disciplines for you. If you complete your post-graduation from French universities you are allowed to work for one year first and then another year.

Relatively easy student visas

If you compare Student visa for France is relatively easier than US, UK or Australia.


Adept Overseas has helped thousands of students for education and visa in countries including France. Make a call to our counselor for France at 9000511144, 9010811144. You may click here to submit your details also. We will call you to know from you and provide perfect guidance, of course FREE OF COST.

Admissions Process for French Universities

Step 1 – Details about you

You need to fill your details in our student enquiry form. Details include your academic qualifications, IELTS score, work experience (if any), financial status, career goals, life interests and aspirations. This will help us to know you and your actual requirements.

Step 2 - University & Program Selection

Shortlisting 3-4 universities and course that match your profile and requirement.

Step 3 – Documents for admission

We ensure that your documents including mark sheets, essays, statement of purpose, recommendation letters, and resume are ready to sending to the universities.

Step 4 - Application submission

We guide you in filling the University application form carefully without any mistakes. Now we send the application form and documents to the chosen universities. There is a non-refundable application fee for admission for universities.

Step 5 - University interview

French universities prefer to take a Skype interview of all the applicants prior to the admission. We prepare you for this so you can confidently answer the universities officials.

Step 6 – Receiving offer letter

You may receive an admission offer letter from the universities within 8-10 weeks of application submission. It can be as quick as even 1-2 weeks if the university accepts online applications only.

The offer letter asks you to pay the first term/year tuition fee to the university. Then you get a confirmation letter of your admission. You can apply for visa with this admission confirmation letter.

Getting French Student Visa

You need to apply for a Student Visa so you can stay in France to study in a recognized university or college and do part time works.

Applying for a French Student Visa:

  • Register online with Campus France an organization authorized by French Consulate
  • Upload all the documents during registration
  • Take an appointment with a Campus France Education advisor for academic interview
  • This is like an initial screening before the actual interview with French Consulate
  • Take and appointment with French consulate

Mandatory Document for Academic interview:

  • Acceptance / admission letter from a French Academic Institution - for students under categories 1.2 and 4.
  • Letters from the institution in India and France stating that the student is part of and exchange program for students under category 3.
  • A letter from a university, laboratory or organization stating you are accepted for a short term internship program for students under category 5.
  • Bonafide letter from the institution in India for students under categories 3 & 5, Academic records, mark sheets, pass certificates, diploma certificates if any.
  • French language test certificate if your university in France needs so.
  • Curriculum vitae, experience letter (if applicable)
  • Any other documents that you may have uploaded on the Campus France online form

Mandatory Document for Consulate interview:

  • A Proof of medical insurance with coverage valid for France
  • One copy of your round trip ticket (if course is less than 6 months) else one way ticket
  • The "Office François de I ‘Integration" OFII form duly filled and signed
  • Accommodation during the first three months of the stay
  • A print out of your Campus France ID number

Note: in any case, you must provide the address of your residence once you arrive in France
Time for visa processing: 2-3 weeks normally
Fee: 50 Euros (in equivalent Indian Rupees, to be paid in cash at the time of depositing the application file)

At Adept we provide all kind of guidance so you can arrange the right documents required to apply for your student visa.To know more about Visa requirements and preparation meet our visa expert for France at our office or just call at: 9000511144, 9010811144


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